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The Best Learning Environment Has…Snacks?!?!
By Crystal Thompkins

To kick off last month’s information sessions about the Certified Impact Philanthropy Advisor (IPA) program, we asked attendees to complete the phrase “I learn best when________.” 


The top responses from attendees indicated that the best learning happens  

  • In open discussions with others 

  • Through practice and repetition 

  • With engaging topics and content 

  • With snacks 


Others shared they learn best when they can share and train others what they’ve learned. Some responses were more about the ideal settings, such as “not being interrupted” and “relaxed and calm.” 


Daylight and IPA check most of these boxes for a great learning experience. 

One of Daylight's guiding principles is creating an interactive learning environment that promotes practical application and embraces sharing ideas. In designing the Impact Philanthropy Advisor program, we incorporated many of the best principles or practices for adult learning.


IPA brings individual learners together in a collaborative, peer-to-peer learning environment that combines self-study with group discussion. Learners will be able to apply the content in real-time by working through case studies and considering the implications for their clients and practice. The learning experience is guided by facilitators who will make the material and discussions instructive and engaging.


That’s the good news.


The bad news? Everyone must bring their own snacks. At least for now… 

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